Take a look at the recent USA Today article, which takes a closer look at why some of the tech executives in Silicon Valley are surprisingly wildly supportive of Donald Trump—including me. These supporters are a minority, considering the tech world is worlds away from the Republican candidate. However, they can’t help but support his embracing of risk and his success as a business guru. Even though Trump is against expanding the popular H-1B work permit visa program, some tech supporters say Trump is still a very successful businessman.

I’m personally a supporter of business owners running for president. That’s why I donated to the campaign. Speaking your mind and not caring what others think is how change is made. Of course, I’m very aware of my minority status. Whenever I wear shirts or caps that support Trump, I get at least one expletive tossed in my direction.

Overall, Silicon Valley has democratic leanings. This year’s election is making big divides, though, and some in Silicon Valley are switching sides.

Find out more about the voting and party issues in Silicon Valley by checking out the full article:

Tech turns its back on Trump—except for a few-with John Rampton