A blog I wrote for Entrepreneur which served as the basis for a CSC blog, highlighting how the idea that “mobile first” isn’t really about putting our phones first—it’s about putting the user first. How we look for information, especially on mobile devices, is quickly changing. It’s an evolving process that impacts how enterprises operate, and for those in the mobile app development process, knowing how people use (and more importantly, want to use) their devices is key.

It’s a lot more than simply having a site that’s mobile-ready. You also need to consider keyword research, how content is being made, and the overall user experience. Once you think about and know how people are getting information, you’ll be on the right track.

Serving your consumers is the basis for every business. In the mobile world, users have certain requirements and if you’re not delivering, they’ll figure it out on their own. At our fingertips, we get immediate answers. There’s no indulging in longer searches because mobile users want instant results. It’s a “micro-moment.”

Discover how to achieve this and what it means for IT professionals and mobile app developers by reading the full article:

‘Mobile first’ really means ‘user first’-with John Rampton