Eric Siu with Single Grain published an amazingly comprehensive article on how to link build with content, capping off his article with references and experts—and I’m stoked to have been included as an SEO pro! Check out his full article for tips on content marketing, link building, SEO, and more with advice and language suited for all skill levels and abilities (really). There are brief, simple definitions of some of the jargon we toss around, as well as in-depth, actionable advice that we can all use.

Siu’s goal is to get your content not only to be popular, but also valid. It’s what search engines want and what your readers want. Just 42 percent of marketers think their content marketing is fantastic, so it seems like many marketers could do with some tips and refreshers. In part 1, he goes over how to make linkable content that’s high quality. It happens with research, accuracy, and material that’s picked or designed for your demographics. Of course, flawless content, imagery, and updated information is also paramount!

Next, Siu digs deeper fleshing out all of these points and how to make them happen.

Want more? Check out everything he has to share here:


The Ultimate Guide to Link Building with Content-with John Rampton