Agility is crucial in business, especially when it comes to PR, and that’s exactly what Forbes highlights in this article. I was happy to contribute to their section on collaborating across disciplines, because adopting a multidisciplinary approach has long been a cornerstone of my tactics. Just like with parallel play, parallel work lets you ultimately funnel input into a primary decision-making process instead of dealing with a messy, complicated chain of command. Working in tandem speeds things up, and forming a cross-disciplinary team lets you best deal with a PR problem.

Take a branding approach that’s agile and multi-faceted, and you’ll get results quicker than any other strategy. Businesses run on internet time these days, and one social media mistake can cause devastating results—even if you “fix it” immediately. Once something’s online, it’s there forever thanks to screenshots. Thus, using a hierarchical approval process is way too outdated. However, collaboration is much more than just a means of addressing crises. It also increases the success of campaigns when they’re proactive.

Mixing, matching, and working together across departments has become the norm. Just take a look at martech!

Find out more about PR agility here:


Why Your PR Strategy Requires An Agile Approach-with John Rampton