Along with 11 other startup founders, I was asked by YEC about the most unusual New Year’s resolution I made. My resolution was that I would not bring my phone into the bedroom. While I made it for eight months and benefitted from better sleep, I now am trying to keep this resolution for the entire year and beyond by getting my wife on board with the same goal. I do admit that I think about what I might be missing on my phone, but I have gotten used to it now and realize how much calmer I feel.

Some of the other New Year’s resolutions that appealed to me include the idea of being kind to myself as I’m always my own worst critic as a perfectionist; working fifty percent less, which may be challenging to do but I will try as part of my plan to gain a better work-life balance; and exercising gratitude through making a list of what I’m grateful for, which also builds a more positive mindset.

While I can appreciate resolutions like No Screen Sunday, I am not quite ready for that drastic of a change as I find I need to work on and off seven days a week to stay on top of all my ventures. It helps to see what my fellow entrepreneurs resolve to do because it motivates me to go beyond the traditional resolutions.
