In creating her own list of tips from unicorn CEOs for Inc., Jessica Stillman referenced my article for about the numerous habits found specifically in unicorn CEOs. I took 25 different unicorn CEOs and noted what was unique about them and identified the patterns of habits between this group, illustrating why they have been so wildly successful as to be named head of a unicorn company.

Similarly, Jessica looked at the same group to pinpoint any tips unicorn CEOs may have for improving productivity from the research material I had gathered. She noted Twitter and Square co-founder Jack Dorsey’s habit for keeping a diary, which I stated was an excellent way to track progress on various projects. Another good productivity tip is Yelp co-founder Jeremy Stoppelman’s use of the Rasci model for holding meetings in order to not waste time.

Other tips included ditching a schedule, which can get in the way of a very productive conversation, as well as eliminating any idea of status within the company. Keeping a flat and open structure allows people to focus on what they are doing rather than where they stand in the pecking order. Lastly, the productivity tips from unicorn CEOs were to avoid publicity as suggested by Zulily co-founder Mark Vadon in my article. The idea that you keep good things quiet as a startup makes sense so you are not distracted by the praise but remain focused on the work you still need to get done.

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