There are so many bloggers out there, how can you stand out amidst the competition? That’s what The Next Web wanted to tackle, and I’m happy to say I made the list by providing some of the best tips on blogging. My advice falls under the “get visual” tips, because I know exactly how tough blogging can be when your readers might be on various screen sizes and devices. You need to make sure blog videos and images are displaying beautifully and in the right place.

If you have too many blog images or links, things can get out of whack. You do need at least one high quality image, but oftentimes one is enough. Otherwise, you risk annoying your audience and they’ll leave (never to return!). Focus on clarity and efficiency.

Organization and education are also top tips TNW touts for awesome blogging. You can’t just dive into blogging without a plan of action and some key information on what to do. Research and planning comes well before actual blogging. You also want to make sure you’re armed with fierceness and data to make the most of your blog.

Read the full article here for more tips:

5 Ways to Become a Truly Awesome Blogger-with John Rampton