Philanthropy can be a big part of entrepreneurial success, but Millennials are finding their own unique ways to give back. The Huffington Post asked top entrepreneurs, including myself, what our favorite strategies were, and mine is giving through entrepreneurship. When your business is a tool to support charity, that establishes a kind and sustainable circle of giving. Giving back is a central part of what Millennials want their business to prioritize, and this is important since many of us are in the throes of self-employment, with Forbes revealing that 67 percent of our generation are either business owners or want to be.

A clear example is Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. They hope to leave the world better than when they entered it, and have committed to donating 99 percent of FB shares ($45 billion currently) to non-profits. I’ve blogged about showing love as a freelancer, encouraging all of us to focus on giving rather than solely making.

Some great ways to give include partnering up with non-profits whose vision align with your own. You can also share your products or services with those in need, or donate part of the business revenues to charity. Volunteer, or support employees when they serve.

Read the entire article here:


How Millennial Entrepreneurs are Giving Back-with John Rampton