I believe that educated clients, who understand your job as a SEO specialist, are good clients. That way you avoid misunderstandings, many frustrating situations for you and your client and you may work more efficiently.

A client that nods their head just to get rid of you. on the other hand, needs more time to work on, more time to explain anything and thus, you lose time that you could spend on implementing the SEO strategy. And even then, you are never sure if the client actually agrees with you or still wants to get to their own business. You simply waste time and money with that kind of attitude.

Teaching your clients about SEO

That’s why, before starting a SEO campaign, you should educate your client in SEO/SEM. I’m not talking about deep training, basic things should suffice. If you don’t work directly with your employer, but with a certain team (marketing or web design agency) you should focus on giving them a glimpse on what SEO is (and what is not).

You may prepare a document describing SEO, that you will deliver to those involved in the project, and especially in the SEO process. Keeping it short and simple should prevent people from taking it lightly from not reading it.

You may also spend 2 hours to meet them in person and talk about the SEO strategy. Now, that is much better as they will interact with you and ask questions if you manage to startle their interest. They will be also happy to have 2 hours off work, when you do the job and they listen. Get some cookies and coffee, make them feel relaxed, not stressed. You don’t want to scare them with your knowledge or with what you have to say.

Don’t talk too much about details, but if you see they want more, go for it. Explain them what they need to know and of course, what they should know about SEO.

If you are working as a freelancer or on distant location, do a phone or Skype conference. A video conference is even better as you may see your audience and they can see you. Discuss the benefits of having a SEO strategy and make them feel involved in the process, just as if you were a team.

If your client is a hopeless cause, you need to find a way to reach him/her; and since all clients are different, you’ll need to come up with different approach techniques. Don’t try the same tactics and expect them to react the same way. You need to be active and creative about delivering information and knowledge about SEO.

Good luck!

And now, how do you deal with your clients? Do you educate them? Or maybe they know what SEO is and there is no need to get into details?
Share your experience with us!

About the author

Paweł Szulencki is a SEO/SEM certified specialist and the owner of the Search Engine Optimization & Marketing blog SEOBlogr.com. Make sure you visit his blog for more information on SEO, Marketing, Google and all things search engine related.