Due.com is featured on Dwolla, and the company I co-founded with Murray Newlands is dubbed “an easy way to collect freelance payments.” As an entrepreneur, I know the freelance grind well. I also know how tough it can be to invoice and secure payments while avoiding hefty fees. Fixing that issue is at the core of Due.com.

I share with Dwolla that about 34 percent of Americans are freelancers, and the number is just going keep getting higher. The sharing economy, technology allowing for virtual offices, and a number of services targeting the industry are all helping it to grow. However, collecting payments—sometimes from numerous clients—can be difficult. Having an easy invoicing tool that doesn’t crank up the fees is a must for any freelancer or small business owner.

Seemingly little things, like having a clear due date, can increase your odds of getting an on-time payment drastically. Plus, freelancers need technology that helps them keep invoicing tasks to a minimum. Due.com was created with simplicity in mind and designed to optimize getting timely payments.

Find out what else I shared with Dwolla by reading the full article available here:

