Some interesting things have happened lately in the blogosphere and some related areas, such as social media. Here are some of them:

Reddit goes open source

Reddit announced that it’s going open source. This is certainly an unexpected but very smart move, coming pretty soon after the redesign. Hopefully, this would be a good chance for developer to put in practice what users have suggested for a while, but owners did not implement. Way to go!

SecondBrain in BETA 2

About two weeks ago I wrote a post about this new social bookmarking and networking service called SecondBrain. At that time, SB was in its late BETA 1 stage, getting ready for the BETA 2. They also held a contest where members could win a MacBook Air. BETA 2 has arrived with new features. One of them is file upload.

File upload and sharing features – each user will get 1GB file storage to start with, with a pay option for more storage in the future.

Also, in a few days, the contest’s finalists are to be announced. If you’ve signed up with them, make sure you keep an eye on the results.

Publish, share and interact with

Developed by the Romanian team of Metromind, uberVU is a service that claims to help you regain control over everything you share in the online world. Sounds promising, but since the service is in a private BETA 2 stage, you’ll need to apply for an invite.

At least, you can take a look at uberVU’s Beta 2 screencast:

All In One SEO Pack finds new developer

The news tell that All In One SEO Pack found  new developer, a person that goes by the nickname of hallofmontezuma, Michael Torbert, and who is also the developer of WP Security Scan and SMS Text Message plugins. So, after all, this plugin will still be around for some time. Hopefully, still providing high quality performance.