Becoming a stay at home blogger?

A lot of bloggers find it more and more attached to their work that they choose becoming a stay at home blogger. Devoting yourself to blogging and staying at home to do it gives you great advantages.

When becoming a stay at home blogger, you are relaxed and think more clearly. Better ideas come out, and better solutions pop. I considered becoming a stay at home blogger when my time between school and blogging got me nothing accomplished.

In becoming a stay at home blogger, I could do it all the time and blog to the best. But I’m still a student, so I find time for it at home. I find it funny when I begin considering dropping out and becoming a stay at home blogger.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of becoming a stay at home blogger. First, you are focused. You take your time to compose your articles and tap them on the keyboard. Finding yourself relaxed can really help you to be more productive rather than when you are divided between your outside works and you blogging.

Second, you own your time. Nobody bugs you to finish your job, you become the boss. Being the boss, you take all responsibility for your job. It gets you motivated to continue writing.

Third plus in becoming a stay at home blogger, is of course, you stay at home. You don’t need other expenses to go out at get your job done.

Others feel that becoming a stay at home blogger is nonsense. Is it worth risking your job in becoming a stay at home blogger? Of course, yes.

Becoming a stay at home blogger will not instantly or easily return your investments, or pay the risk you took to stay at home. Blogging starts with the basics. When you have the passion and dedication to put yourself into it, and your reason why you blog. Blogging is often treated as a hobby, that sometimes it will soon get neglected. If the blogger will lost interest, the blog will result to nothing.

Other blog-inactivity bloggers will get alarmed and really consider their choices: becoming a stay at home blogger or to simply ignore the blog and delete it. Others really choose becoming a stay at home blogger because it’s a source of living. If this is also your reason for blogging, then the option would be best for you. You might find yourself becoming a stay at home blogger now.

I write about blogging. This job requires me to get focused that any distraction should be avoided. That was my reason for wanting to becoming a stay at home blogger. But that was not my only reason, I also wanted to earn. I could earn money with on and off blogging, but I’m sure that in becoming a stay at home blogger I could elevate my earnings.

Blogging is a job, blogging is a passion, blogging all the time can do. Blogging at work may get you fired, and becoming a stay at home blogger will be better. Becoming a stay at home blogger gives you the freedom. Think again.