It’s travelling season, which is why’s blog on packing for your next trip is perfectly timed. I was asked to chime in on my ultimate must-have item when packing for business or leisure (as an entrepreneur, it’s usually a little of both). My chosen item is both small and affordable: Breath mints. Bad breath can kill your networking prowess, and you never know when you might connect with someone.

I aim to have enough mints for every 30 minutes. Keep some in your pocket at all times. Plus, they taste good and help produce saliva (which is good for healthy teeth/gums as well as public speaking). Worrying about bad breath is the last thing that should be on your priority list while traveling.

Healthy snacks and coffee also top the list from my peers, which is yet another reason why breath mints come in handy! Next up is moisturizer, especially this time of year. While traveling, it’s not wise to take a chance on a new to you skin care item. Bring what you love, in travel size or not, to stay comfortable and looking good.

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Become a Packing Guru The Must-have Items for Your Next Business Trip-with John Rampton