Fox News asked a few business leaders how to gain popularity “with a clean nose,” and my tip was: Have a positive attitude. Surprise! People like being around positive people. It’s motivating and attitudes are contagious. Plus, managers put their trust in positive people, but there’s a limit. You don’t want to be a Pollyanna.

Popularity matters well after high school. Other tips from pros include being respectful of other people’s time, which is really just common courtesy. Follow basic office protocol and avoid habits that drive those around you batty. Make sure emails leave a good impression, especially since this form of communication is so easy to spread and share. Vent away from work if necessary.

Not being a tattletale is another pro tip, to a degree. If what you know isn’t really hurting anyone, including the business,  it’s sometimes best to keep your mouth closed. Take issues with colleagues to a private place and address it with them.

There are also ways to gain popularity that worked in high school, like establishing a common interest and active listening. These are both technically easy, yet often overlooked.

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7 Ways to Be Popular at Work Without Sucking Up to Anybody - with John Rampton