Having a successful blog is not an easy thing. It takes time, dedication, creativity, knowledge and patience. There aren’t many roads that lead to success and finding the one that’s right for you can be a daunting task. It’s obviously hard to make a name for yourself and it gets harder when you think about how easy it is to mess things up and in how many ways you can do so. Just read the following “blogging tips” to screw up and judge for yourself.

  1. Start a blog when you know for sure you won’t have time to update it regularly;
  2. Blog about everything when knowing too little about anything;
  3. Blog about one particular topic without any experience in the field;
  4. Blog without passion;
  5. Blog without personality;
  6. Write more about needs and less about solutions;
  7. Publish copyrighted content without the author’s permission;
  8. Translate and publish content without even mentioning the original source;
  9. Don’t pay attention to simple things in life, where you could find inspiration for content;
  10. Ignore the basic rules of structuring an article;
  11. Talk too much about yourself;
  12. Don’t read other blogs;
  13. Don’t read the news;
  14. Don’t take part in your blog’s conversations;
  15. Ask your readers to register to post comments;
  16. Ignore your RSS readers;
  17. Don’t pay too much attention to spam comments and trackbacks;
  18. Start flames with your readers;
  19. Start flames with other bloggers;
  20. Don’t comment on other blogs in your niche;
  21. Ignore the importance of SEO;
  22. Write excessively for search engines;
  23. Over promote your blog, or don’t promote it at all;
  24. Ignore your statistics. Nothing interesting there! Nothing about your most popular articles, nothing about referrals or search engine appeal;
  25. Think first of how to make money, and then how to be a better blogger;
  26. Publish more advertising than content;
  27. Take all blogging tips and advice for granted and don’t pass them through your personal filter;
  28. Fill your blog with unnecessary plugins and widgets;
  29. Keep your blog’s default design theme;
  30. Don’t update your blogging platform, theme and plugins.

See how easy it is to screw up? Do you want to be successful? Do you want to make money with your blog? Then, think first about how you can improve your blog and your blogging skills. Nobody is born successful. Real success is built brick by brick!