When Business 2 Community asked me and 14 other B2B professionals about the best way to attract customers, I couldn’t encourage readers to simplify what they offer enough. Customers want to understand your company in just a couple of seconds—by human nature, we don’t like too many options! Keep distractions to a minimum.

Curious what others had to say? Here are some true gems to keep your B2B business on track.

Nathalie Lussier, who runs a media company, urges businesses to relate to their customers as actual humans. Personality takes you a long way. Reuben Yonatan from GetVoIP suggests live/video chat options that aren’t overbearing. SupportNinja’s Cody McLain wants you to showcase how you’re different (in all the right ways!).

For Slater Victoroff of Indico, it’s all about showing off your goods and services. VenturePact’s Randy Rayess recommends using Olark properly, as well as any other tools in your arsenal. For Chris Brisson of Call Loop, doling out free trials is a sweet and easy solution. Turning into a thought leader is Joanna Schneier’s strategy, and it’s worked well for her at Cognotion.

Whether it’s making content that really gives your readers what they need, a la Lindsay Mullen of Prosper Strategies, or adding that call to action button like Aroridex’s Kumar Arora suggests, there are plenty of ways to engage.

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15 Strategies to Attract Customers on Your B2B Company Website