Curious about the future of e-commerce? There are some top trends to watch as outlined by Noobpreneur, who talked to me about where I see the industry headed. E-cash is trending, especially now that we’re in a more digitized, global commerce. Instead of credit cards, we will see e-cash usage on the rise. Think Venmo and Square Cash. Companies are embracing this model more and more, and that will continue throughout the year.

Customer referrals and AI integration are also on the rise. Word of mouth has long been one of the best means of doing business, and that continues today with customer referrals. Fortunately, higher quality artificial intelligence is also on deck to improve and/or take over customer service automation. You’ll also see more mobile live chat and subscription options coming your way.

Mobile app integration continues to spread as mobile readiness becomes a must-have instead of a nice to have. Now that more people are shopping on mobile devices, it’s a necessity no matter what the size of your business. Personalized shopping experiences are also heading your way and will soon be standard instead of a luxurious perk.

Read the full article here:


13 Trends That Will Change e-commerce in 2016-with John Rampton