Gaining new customers is always a priority. But that doesn’t mean keeping your existing clients happy isn’t also high on the to-do list. Keeping your startup’s churn rate steady—and low—is critical.

So what’s going wrong when those numbers take a turn for the worse? Here is what I told Read Write:

Slow Website Loads

How fast your website typically loads will negatively impact your churn rate if it’s slow. People don’t like to go to a slow site or app. If it takes longer than a second or two to load, I’m going to ditch your app for another one. It’s not worth my time.

Pro tip: Speed up your Web server so that you have a lot more RAM and it can process the requests faster. Have solid state hard drives to make everything go faster. A CDN is required to handle loads in different countries, have fast connections, etc.

The goal is to have a fast website/app. This will help customers not get frustrated when using your service.

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10 Things That Might Unexpectedly Spike Your Startup's Churn Rate - John Rampton